How Do You Treat Shift Work Sleep Disorder?

When you work nontraditional hours, it can affect how you live your life. It can be difficult to function normally because you’ll often be awake while most of the people around you are asleep. This condition is known as shift work sleep disorder and can cause issues with how much sleep you get and how you’re able to fall asleep each night. Dr. Jeremy McConnell at Florida Sleep Specialists in Bradenton and Sarasota, FL, can explain what shift work sleep disorder is and how it can be treated. 

Dealing With Shift Work Sleep Disorder 

When you work odd hours, it can affect how your body functions and how you’re able to get to sleep. Most people sleep throughout the night, but if you work during that time, your body needs to adjust to a new schedule and way of living. This can lead to you feeling sleepy at unwanted times and having problems falling and staying asleep. 

Your sleep specialist in Bradenton and Sarasota, FL, can explain how to treat your shift work sleep disorder. There’s no cure for this, but there are ways to get the sleep that you need. If possible, you should adjust your work schedule, but if not, there are still ways to treat this. You can utilize bright light therapy to help stop sleepiness and regain energy each day.  

In order to fall asleep easily, you may want to consider taking melatonin or sleep medications as prescribed by your doctor. You should also try to adjust how you sleep at home and create a stricter schedule to help your body adjust. 

Contact Our Sleep Specialist Today 

Get into a new sleep routine. Contact Dr. Jeremy McConnell at Florida Sleep Specialists in Bradenton and Sarasota, FL, to learn about shift work sleep disorder and how it can be treated. Call for more information today at (941) 792-8383 for the office in Bradenton, FL, and (941) 827-0701 for the office in Sarasota, FL.

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