What Are Signs of Sleep Deprivation?

How your sleep specialist in Bradenton, FL, can help you sleep better

Stress, too much caffeine, eating a large meal before bed, and other factors can all contribute to not getting enough sleep. Your body recharges when you sleep. If you are sleep deprived, it can cause serious problems when you are driving, trying to accomplish tasks, concentrating at school, or trying to perform at work. Your sleep specialist can help you sleep better.

Dr. Jeremy McConnell at Florida Sleep Specialists in Bradenton, and Sarasota, FL, provides comprehensive sleep medicine services, including treatment options to help you sleep better.

Let’s look at just a few ways sleep deprivation can affect your body and mind. When you are sleep deprived, you will:

  • Feel tired and groggy during the day
  • Have very low energy levels
  • Have difficulty concentrating
  • Experience mood swings and irritability

For mild, occasional difficulty sleeping, there are a few easy steps you can take at home to sleep better. You should:

  • Set times to wake up and go to bed
  • Stay active and exercise regularly
  • Avoid taking naps, or only take short naps
  • Avoid smoking and nicotine products
  • Limit your caffeine and alcohol intake
  • Don’t eat large meals before you go to sleep
  • Check your medications to see if they might be causing insomnia

You should also create a peaceful retreat in your bedroom. Remember to:

  • Keep your bedroom as dark and quiet as possible
  • Don’t have a television in your bedroom
  • Don’t look at your phone while trying to sleep

You can also put a pre-sleep ritual in place to let your body know it’s time for sleep. Your ritual could include:

  • Reading before bed
  • Taking a warm bath before bed
  • Meditating before bed
  • Listening to relaxing music before bed

For chronic insomnia, you need to visit your sleep specialist for help. Chronic insomnia can lead to medical problems and a shortened lifespan. To find out more about the signs of sleep deprivation and how your sleep medicine specialist can help you sleep better, call Dr. Jeremy McConnell of Florida Sleep Specialists in Bradenton, at (941) 792-8383, or in Sarasota, FL, at (941) 827-0701. Call today.

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