What Does a Sleep Specialist Do?

How your sleep specialist can help you enjoy restful sleep

A sleep specialist is an expert at sleep medicine and can diagnose and treat a wide variety of sleep disorders. Dr. Jeremy McConnell at Florida Sleep Specialists in Bradenton, and Sarasota, FL, offers a wide range of sleep medicine services to help you enjoy restful sleep.

Your sleep is important because it gives your mind and body time to recharge. If you aren’t enjoying restful sleep, your mind and body will suffer. You won’t feel like yourself, becoming irritable and uncomfortable.

Your sleep specialist can provide services and treatments to help you return to restful sleep. These are just a few of the ways a sleep specialist can help you:

Sleep testing–to determine whether you have a sleep disorder. Common sleep disorders which can be evaluated with sleep testing include:

  • Insomnia
  • Sleep apnea
  • Restless leg syndrome

Treatment for sleep disorders–to help you sleep well again. Your sleep specialist may recommend:

  • Medications–to help you get to sleep and stay asleep
  • Stress reduction techniques–to help you learn how to relax and prepare for sleep
  • Lifestyle modification–to help you limit caffeine and other factors which can affect your sleep
  • Environmental modifications–to create a restful retreat where you can sleep well

If you have sleep apnea, your sleep specialist can provide effective treatment to help you sleep well again. Treatment is designed to keep your airway open at night, so your body and brain receive the oxygen necessary to stay healthy. Your sleep specialist may recommend:

  • A CPAP, which is a device providing a continuous flow of oxygen while you sleep. The device is connected to tubing and a facepiece, which you wear at night.
  • An oral mandibular advancement appliance, which is a dental appliance you wear while sleeping. The appliance holds your lower jaw forward, keeping your airway open. 

To discover more about what a sleep specialist can do to help you enjoy restful sleep, call Dr. Jeremy McConnell of Florida Sleep Specialists in Bradenton, at (941) 792-8383, or in Sarasota, FL, at (941) 827-0701. Call today.

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7:40 am-4:30 pm


7:40 am-4:30 pm


7:40 am-4:30 pm


7:40 am-12:00 pm



