What Is Restless Leg Syndrome?

Suffering from restless leg syndrome? Dr. Jeremy McConnell at Florida Sleep Specialists in Bradenton & Sarasota, FL is here to help with compassionate and personalized treatment plans. 

Guide to Restless Leg Syndrome

Willis Ekbom disease – better known as restless leg syndrome or RLS – can be an uncomfortable and frustrating thing to deal with. Though it’s not a very common issue, it does affect up to 10 percent of American adults and up to four percent of children. Below, Dr. McConnell and the team at Florida Sleep Specialists in Bradenton & Sarasota, FL explain restless leg syndrome and what you can do about it. 

What Exactly Is Restless Leg Syndrome? 

RLS is a condition in which sufferers have sensations in the legs, such as crawling, prickling, or itching. It causes an irresistible urge to move or shake the legs. 

It can also cause twitching or make the sufferer appear restless, as they need to move or stretch randomly and often, especially when they are trying to relax. These sensations also occur while people are trying to sleep, and it often wakes them up. Sadly, this leads to fatigue and sleepiness the next day. 

Though RLS can occur in anyone, it’s seen more often in women than men. Additionally, many women experience RLS while pregnant. 

What Causes RLS? 

Unfortunately, the underlying cause of RLS hasn’t yet been identified, but it is believed to be genetic. Some research suggests that the decline in dopamine as you rest – the neurotransmitter that controls muscle activity – can lead to the sensations. Others have tied it to conditions like iron deficiency and long-term health problems. 

Though the cause might not be clear, there are some well-known factors that can trigger symptoms. These include: 

  • Medications, like some antidepressants, antihistamines, and antipsychotics 
  • Being overweight 
  • Nicotine 
  • Alcohol and caffeine 
  • Stress 

How Is RLS Treated? 

The key to RLS treatment is to identify triggers, minimize the symptoms, and improve sleep health. Our doctor will help you address any contributing lifestyle factors, such as smoking, not exercising, drinking caffeine or alcohol, and weight issues. Additionally, if you take any medications that might contribute, adjustments might need to be made. 

Our doctor can also provide various types of medications when needed. These might include sleep aids, dopamine agonists, and more, depending on your needs. 

Don’t let restless leg syndrome get you down. Dr. McConnell and our team at Florida Sleep Specialists in Bradenton & Sarasota, FL are here to help. You can schedule an appointment at our Bradenton, FL office at (941) 792-8383 or our Sarasota, FL office at (941) 827-0701.

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